Need Professional Commercial Cleaning?

Stop worrying about the cleaning. Sit back, relax, and let Simply Clean ME, LLC. take care of the rest.

Request your commercial cleaning quote!

    After clicking submit we will be in touch ASAP to set up a time to come walk through your location and provide you with a free no-obligation quote!


    Premium Commercial Cleaning
    With Exceptional Results.

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    Providing Maine businesses with premium cleaning, exceptional service, and amazing results.

    Call Us Anytime.

    207 370 7244

    Why choose us

    We care about your business just as much as you do.

    We want to help Maine businesses leave all their concerns behind and embrace having absolutely no stress about cleaning again. It just gets done when you want it, how you want it.

    Professional & Trained Technicians

    Professional, trained, and friendly team members are ready to help you anytime.

    Natural Products Available

    Need natural-only products? We’ve got your back.

    Flexible Scheduling

    Your schedule is important to us. Whether you need an everyday, once a week, or bi-monthly cleaning, we’ll be there when you need us there.

    Only the Best Equipment

    We use the most premium, professional-grade equipment the cleaning industry has to offer. Your business deserves the best.

    How it works

    Amazing Cleaning
    In Just 4 Simple Steps

    Set up a walkthrough & provide the details

    Schedule a walkthrough with us and tell us what your business needs and when you need it. We will set our schedule to yours.

    Pick the perfect plan

    We will provide a personal plan and quote that we worked on just for you and your Maine business.

    Set your schedule

    Set up a cleaning schedule with us and we will be there on the dot.

    Get your perfect cleaning

    And just like that, you'll never have to worry about your cleaning again. You can focus on your business, while we focus on the cleaning.

    About The Company

    Everyone deserves a clean, fresh environment.

    We believe that there is a better way to provide a premium, quality cleaning service. It's a common concern that cleaners can be unreliable, inconsistent, sloppy, and are honestly more of a pain to deal with then what they're worth. And that's a completely valid concern to have.

    That's why it's our goal to deliver exceptional and premium commercial cleaning services while maintaining strong communication, building trust, spreading positivity, helping our community, and ensuring that every service is completed in accordance with our valued client's schedule and specific needs.

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    Trusted by Maine
    people & companies.

    I had Simply Clean, ME LLC come into my children’s consignment shop today for their free, no obligation initial cleaning and they rocked it! I have quite a bit of inventory to move around and they did so with ease. Completely impressed with their communication, professionalism, cleanliness and punctuality! Thank you for saving me the time I can now put back into my business! 100% recommend.


    Tips to keep your environments clean.


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